Monday, October 29, 2012

Showcase - London Comic Con - UK

Really nice photo FarukHussain!

 And thus, another con comes to a close... in fact many cons happened over the weekend but London Comic Con was one of the big ones!

Mr Hunk! - Resident Evil
Jessica Rabbit - Who Framed Roger Rabbit (Star-shine-girl)
Princess Mononoke and the Wolf God! (cosplay-xbox-life)
Merida - from Brave (Ladycrenshaw)
OOGIE BOOGIE!! - Nightmare Before Christmas
SPACE CORE! - Portal
Team Furry!
Really nice outfits! Don't know where they're from though
Phyco! - Borderlands
The Shinigami from Death Note
Lady Loki!
Good stuff everyone! If I had the opp to go to UK for a con! I TOTALLY WOULD! Someone sponsor my crazy expensive air ticket though!
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