Monday, September 17, 2012

Silly - Deadpool @ Comikaze - LA

I love this guy. 

Upcoming Con - Tokyo Game Show - Sept 22-23

This weekend in Tokyo is the big scale game con, the Tokyo Game Show. Lots of game showcases, demos, cosplayers and more! Note to cosplayers though - no skin exposing and no weapons!

See full rules after the jump

Health Tips - F**k Calories FREE Ebook!

When I was in college, I was a World of Warcraft addict. I lived on cereal for breakfast and lunch and had fast food for dinner. I felt fat, horrible and just disgusting.

Then I chanced upon Krista Scott-Dixon's REALLY GREAT website called

Silly - Behind the Scenes of 'Gangnam Style' - Korea

Tell me one person who hasn't seen PSY's Gangnam Style? Heck, it's going all over America now and even SIMON COWELL loves Gangnam Style!

Here's a great video of the Behind the Scenes video in making 'Gangnam Style'. It's official, no bull. All LAUGHS!

Showcase - Comikaze - LA

Annd it's a wrap for Comikaze in LA. And that means, TONS OF COSPLAY PHOTOS!

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